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Information model for the NBNL-capaciteitskaart.

The capacity heatmaps information model was defined to cover a superset of data exchanged by the NL system operators. A minimum set of data is defined that all operators are expected to conform to, along with a number of optional properties and data types.

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class HeatmapDataSet {
    string conforms_to
    string contributor
    string coverage
    string creator
    date date
    string description
    string format
    string identifier
    date issued
    string language
    string publisher
    string rights
    string title
    UpdateInfo updated
    DateTimeInterval valid
    EnergyArea energy_areas
class EnergyArea {
    string short_code
    EnergyAreaKind type
    integer demand_requests_in_queue
    MegaW demand_capacity_in_queue
    MegaW demand_quoted_capacity
    MegaW demand_available_capacity
    MegaW demand_forecast_capacity
    integer demand_alleviation_year
    RAGKind demand_constraint
    string demand_energy_area_short_code
    integer generation_requests_in_queue
    MegaW generation_capacity_in_queue
    MegaW generation_quoted_capacity
    MegaW generation_available_capacity
    MegaW generation_forecast_capacity
    integer generation_alleviation_year
    RAGKind generation_constraint
    string generation_energy_area_short_code
    Work works
    PostcodeArea postcode_areas
    string description
    string m_rid
    Name names
class Work {
    date request_date_time
    string work_order_number
    WorkStatusKind status_kind
    WorkTimeSchedule time_schedules
    string type
    string description
    string m_rid
    Name names
class PostcodeArea {
    string postcode
    string substation_short_code
    RAGKind demand_constraint
    RAGKind generation_constraint
    string substation_short_code
    string description
    string m_rid
    Name names

HeatmapDataSet --> EnergyArea : energy_areas
EnergyArea --> Work : works
EnergyArea --> PostcodeArea : postcode_areas

The data is intended to be presented as a hierarchy with a HeatmapDataSet at its root, followed by EnergyArea-s nested inside the HeatmapDataSet. EnergyArea-s then have their own child elements.

This information model is based in part on the LTDS Capacity Heatmap Information Model, which itself is published under the Open Government License, under ©Crown copyright 2024.

Additional schemas



Name: im-capaciteitskaart


Class Description
BaseWork Common representation for work and work tasks
DateTimeInterval Interval between two date and time points, where the interval includes the st...
Document Parent class for different groupings of information collected and managed as ...
EnergyArea Describes an area having energy production or consumption
HeatmapDataSet A single instance of a published dataset
IdentifiedObject This is a root class to provide common identification for all classes needing...
Name The Name class provides the means to define any number of human readable name...
NameType Type of name
NameTypeAuthority Authority responsible for creation and management of names of a given type; t...
PostcodeArea A geographic region that is defined by the initial letters or digits of a pos...
TimeSchedule Description of anything that changes through time
UpdateInfo Specific type of information that was updated for this dataset
Work Document used to request, initiate, track and record work
WorkTimeSchedule Time schedule specific to work


Slot Description
conforms_to ID for the schema used to create the instance data
contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource
coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, spatial applicability of the r...
creator An entity responsible for making the resource
date A point of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource
demand_alleviation_year Year (e
demand_available_capacity The available demand capacity (in MW) at the EnergyArea
demand_capacity_in_queue The contract value of demand requests not yet granted
demand_constraint A RAG definition of the demand constraints at the EnergyArea
demand_energy_area_short_code Reference to a TenneT EnergyArea which is defined as a congestion area
demand_forecast_capacity Sum of all demand (in MW) forecast for the current year at the EnergyArea
demand_quoted_capacity Sum of all demand (in MW) currently quoted at the EnergyArea
demand_requests_in_queue Number of demand requests for new grid connections and capacity increases in ...
description An account of the resource
end End date and time of this interval
energy_areas A list of energy areas with heatmap data
format The file format of the resource
generation_alleviation_year Year (e
generation_available_capacity Available generation capacity (in MW) at the EnergyArea
generation_capacity_in_queue The contract value of generation requests not yet granted
generation_constraint A RAG definition of the generation constraints at the EnergyArea
generation_energy_area_short_code Reference to a TenneT EnergyArea which is defined as a congestion area
generation_forecast_capacity Sum of all forecast generation (in MW) for the current year at the EnergyArea
generation_quoted_capacity Sum of all currently quoted generation (in MW) at the EnergyArea
generation_requests_in_queue Number of generation requests for new grid connections and capacity increases...
identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context
issued Date of formal issuance of the resource
language A language of the resource
m_rid Master resource identifier issued by a model authority
name Any free text that name the object
name_type Type of this name
name_type_authority Authority responsible for managing names of this type
names All names of this identified object
postcode Identifier for the postcode area
postcode_areas Postcode Areas serviced by this EnergyArea
project_name Name of the project this work belongs to
publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available
quarter Quarter indicator for when this Work is completed
rights Information about rights held in and over the resource
schedule_interval Schedule date and time interval
short_code Short code name for EnergyArea
start Start date and time of this interval
status_kind Kind of work status
substation_short_code TenneT substation (Onderstation) which feeds this PostcodeArea
time_schedules All time schedules for this work or work task
title A name given to the resource
type Type of EnergyArea, either a regular energy area, or congestion area
updated Type of information that was updated for this dataset
valid A date range for the validity of a resource
works All the works performed for this EnergyArea
year Year indicator for when this Work is completed


Enumeration Description
EnergyAreaKind Kind of EnergyAdea
RAGKind Traffic light colors coding scheme for categorising status
UpdateInfoKind Type of information that has been updated as part of this dataset
WorkStatusKind Kind of status, specific to work
WorkTimeScheduleKind Kind of work schedule


Type Description
Boolean A binary (true or false) value
Curie a compact URI
Date a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar
DateOrDatetime Either a date or a datetime
Datetime The combination of a date and time
Decimal A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci...
Double A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification
Float A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification
Integer An integer
Jsonpath A string encoding a JSON Path
Jsonpointer A string encoding a JSON Pointer
Ncname Prefix part of CURIE
Nodeidentifier A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model
Objectidentifier A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model
Sparqlpath A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path
String A character string
Time A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular...
Uri a complete URI
Uriorcurie a URI or a CURIE


Subset Description