Combination of conducting material with consistent electrical characteristics, building a single electrical system, used to carry current between points in the power system.
URI: cim:Conductor
Type: Class
class Conductor
click Conductor href "../Conductor"
ConductingEquipment <|-- Conductor
click ConductingEquipment href "../ConductingEquipment"
Conductor <|-- ACLineSegment
click ACLineSegment href "../ACLineSegment"
Conductor : Equipment.aggregate
Conductor : ConductingEquipment.BaseVoltage
Conductor --> BaseVoltage : ConductingEquipment.BaseVoltage
click BaseVoltage href "../BaseVoltage"
Conductor : IdentifiedObject.description
Conductor : IdentifiedObject.energyIdentCodeEic
Conductor : Equipment.EquipmentContainer
Conductor --> EquipmentContainer : Equipment.EquipmentContainer
click EquipmentContainer href "../EquipmentContainer"
Conductor : Conductor.length
Conductor --> Length : Conductor.length
click Length href "../Length"
Conductor : IdentifiedObject.mRID
Conductor :
Conductor : Equipment.normallyInService
Conductor : Equipment.OperationalLimitSet
Conductor --> OperationalLimitSet : Equipment.OperationalLimitSet
click OperationalLimitSet href "../OperationalLimitSet"
Conductor : IdentifiedObject.shortName
Conductor : ConductingEquipment.Terminals
Conductor --> Terminal : ConductingEquipment.Terminals
click Terminal href "../Terminal"
Name | URI | Cardinality and Range | Description | Inheritance |
length | cim:Conductor.length | 0..1 Length |
Segment length for calculating line section capabilities | direct |
BaseVoltage | cim:ConductingEquipment.BaseVoltage | 0..1 BaseVoltage |
Base voltage of this conducting equipment | ConductingEquipment |
Terminals | cim:ConductingEquipment.Terminals | * Terminal |
Conducting equipment have terminals that may be connected to other conducting... | ConductingEquipment |
aggregate | cim:Equipment.aggregate | 0..1 boolean |
The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated ... | Equipment |
normallyInService | cim:Equipment.normallyInService | 0..1 boolean |
Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions | Equipment |
EquipmentContainer | cim:Equipment.EquipmentContainer | 0..1 EquipmentContainer |
Container of this equipment | Equipment |
OperationalLimitSet | cim:Equipment.OperationalLimitSet | * OperationalLimitSet |
The operational limit sets associated with this equipment | Equipment |
description | cim:IdentifiedObject.description | 0..1 string |
The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object | IdentifiedObject |
energyIdentCodeEic | eu:IdentifiedObject.energyIdentCodeEic | 0..1 string |
The attribute is used for an exchange of the EIC code (Energy identification ... | IdentifiedObject |
mRID | cim:IdentifiedObject.mRID | 1 string |
Master resource identifier issued by a model authority | IdentifiedObject |
name | | 1 string |
The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the o... | IdentifiedObject |
shortName | eu:IdentifiedObject.shortName | 0..1 string |
The attribute is used for an exchange of a human readable short name with len... | IdentifiedObject |
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | cim:Conductor |
native | this:Conductor |