Relationship between the generating unit's gross active power output on the X-axis (measured at the terminals of the machine(s)) and the generating unit's net active power output on the Y-axis (based on utility-defined measurements at the power station). Station service loads, when modelled, should be treated as non-conforming bus loads. There may be more than one curve, depending on the auxiliary equipment that is in service.
URI: cim:GrossToNetActivePowerCurve
Type: Class
class GrossToNetActivePowerCurve
click GrossToNetActivePowerCurve href "../GrossToNetActivePowerCurve"
Curve <|-- GrossToNetActivePowerCurve
click Curve href "../Curve"
GrossToNetActivePowerCurve : Curve.CurveDatas
GrossToNetActivePowerCurve --> CurveData : Curve.CurveDatas
click CurveData href "../CurveData"
GrossToNetActivePowerCurve : Curve.curveStyle
GrossToNetActivePowerCurve --> CurveStyle : Curve.curveStyle
click CurveStyle href "../CurveStyle"
GrossToNetActivePowerCurve : IdentifiedObject.description
GrossToNetActivePowerCurve : IdentifiedObject.energyIdentCodeEic
GrossToNetActivePowerCurve : GrossToNetActivePowerCurve.GeneratingUnit
GrossToNetActivePowerCurve --> GeneratingUnit : GrossToNetActivePowerCurve.GeneratingUnit
click GeneratingUnit href "../GeneratingUnit"
GrossToNetActivePowerCurve : IdentifiedObject.mRID
GrossToNetActivePowerCurve :
GrossToNetActivePowerCurve : IdentifiedObject.shortName
GrossToNetActivePowerCurve : Curve.xUnit
GrossToNetActivePowerCurve --> UnitSymbol : Curve.xUnit
click UnitSymbol href "../UnitSymbol"
GrossToNetActivePowerCurve : Curve.y1Unit
GrossToNetActivePowerCurve --> UnitSymbol : Curve.y1Unit
click UnitSymbol href "../UnitSymbol"
GrossToNetActivePowerCurve : Curve.y2Unit
GrossToNetActivePowerCurve --> UnitSymbol : Curve.y2Unit
click UnitSymbol href "../UnitSymbol"
- IdentifiedObject
- Curve
- GrossToNetActivePowerCurve
- Curve
Name | URI | Cardinality and Range | Description | Inheritance |
GeneratingUnit | cim:GrossToNetActivePowerCurve.GeneratingUnit | 1 GeneratingUnit |
A generating unit may have a gross active power to net active power curve, de... | direct |
curveStyle | cim:Curve.curveStyle | 1 CurveStyle |
The style or shape of the curve | Curve |
xUnit | cim:Curve.xUnit | 1 UnitSymbol |
The X-axis units of measure | Curve |
y1Unit | cim:Curve.y1Unit | 1 UnitSymbol |
The Y1-axis units of measure | Curve |
y2Unit | cim:Curve.y2Unit | 0..1 UnitSymbol |
The Y2-axis units of measure | Curve |
CurveDatas | cim:Curve.CurveDatas | 1..* CurveData |
The point data values that define this curve | Curve |
description | cim:IdentifiedObject.description | 0..1 string |
The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object | IdentifiedObject |
energyIdentCodeEic | eu:IdentifiedObject.energyIdentCodeEic | 0..1 string |
The attribute is used for an exchange of the EIC code (Energy identification ... | IdentifiedObject |
mRID | cim:IdentifiedObject.mRID | 1 string |
Master resource identifier issued by a model authority | IdentifiedObject |
name | | 1 string |
The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the o... | IdentifiedObject |
shortName | eu:IdentifiedObject.shortName | 0..1 string |
The attribute is used for an exchange of a human readable short name with len... | IdentifiedObject |
used by | used in | type | used |
GeneratingUnit | GrossToNetActivePowerCurves | range | GrossToNetActivePowerCurve |
HydroGeneratingUnit | GrossToNetActivePowerCurves | range | GrossToNetActivePowerCurve |
NuclearGeneratingUnit | GrossToNetActivePowerCurves | range | GrossToNetActivePowerCurve |
SolarGeneratingUnit | GrossToNetActivePowerCurves | range | GrossToNetActivePowerCurve |
ThermalGeneratingUnit | GrossToNetActivePowerCurves | range | GrossToNetActivePowerCurve |
WindGeneratingUnit | GrossToNetActivePowerCurves | range | GrossToNetActivePowerCurve |
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | cim:GrossToNetActivePowerCurve |
native | this:GrossToNetActivePowerCurve |