A transformer phase shifting tap model that controls the phase angle difference across the power transformer and potentially the active power flow through the power transformer. This phase tap model may also impact the voltage magnitude.
URI: cim:PhaseTapChanger
Type: Class
class PhaseTapChanger
click PhaseTapChanger href "../PhaseTapChanger"
TapChanger <|-- PhaseTapChanger
click TapChanger href "../TapChanger"
PhaseTapChanger <|-- PhaseTapChangerLinear
click PhaseTapChangerLinear href "../PhaseTapChangerLinear"
PhaseTapChanger <|-- PhaseTapChangerNonLinear
click PhaseTapChangerNonLinear href "../PhaseTapChangerNonLinear"
PhaseTapChanger <|-- PhaseTapChangerTabular
click PhaseTapChangerTabular href "../PhaseTapChangerTabular"
PhaseTapChanger : IdentifiedObject.description
PhaseTapChanger : IdentifiedObject.energyIdentCodeEic
PhaseTapChanger : TapChanger.highStep
PhaseTapChanger : TapChanger.lowStep
PhaseTapChanger : TapChanger.ltcFlag
PhaseTapChanger : IdentifiedObject.mRID
PhaseTapChanger :
PhaseTapChanger : TapChanger.neutralStep
PhaseTapChanger : TapChanger.neutralU
PhaseTapChanger --> Voltage : TapChanger.neutralU
click Voltage href "../Voltage"
PhaseTapChanger : TapChanger.normalStep
PhaseTapChanger : IdentifiedObject.shortName
PhaseTapChanger : TapChanger.TapChangerControl
PhaseTapChanger --> TapChangerControl : TapChanger.TapChangerControl
click TapChangerControl href "../TapChangerControl"
PhaseTapChanger : TapChanger.TapSchedules
PhaseTapChanger --> TapSchedule : TapChanger.TapSchedules
click TapSchedule href "../TapSchedule"
PhaseTapChanger : PhaseTapChanger.TransformerEnd
PhaseTapChanger --> TransformerEnd : PhaseTapChanger.TransformerEnd
click TransformerEnd href "../TransformerEnd"
Name | URI | Cardinality and Range | Description | Inheritance |
TransformerEnd | cim:PhaseTapChanger.TransformerEnd | 1 TransformerEnd |
Transformer end to which this phase tap changer belongs | direct |
TapSchedules | cim:TapChanger.TapSchedules | * TapSchedule |
A TapChanger can have TapSchedules | TapChanger |
highStep | cim:TapChanger.highStep | 1 integer |
Highest possible tap step position, advance from neutral | TapChanger |
lowStep | cim:TapChanger.lowStep | 1 integer |
Lowest possible tap step position, retard from neutral | TapChanger |
ltcFlag | cim:TapChanger.ltcFlag | 1 boolean |
Specifies whether or not a TapChanger has load tap changing capabilities | TapChanger |
neutralStep | cim:TapChanger.neutralStep | 1 integer |
The neutral tap step position for this winding | TapChanger |
neutralU | cim:TapChanger.neutralU | 1 Voltage |
Voltage at which the winding operates at the neutral tap setting | TapChanger |
normalStep | cim:TapChanger.normalStep | 1 integer |
The tap step position used in "normal" network operation for this winding | TapChanger |
TapChangerControl | cim:TapChanger.TapChangerControl | 0..1 TapChangerControl |
The regulating control scheme in which this tap changer participates | TapChanger |
description | cim:IdentifiedObject.description | 0..1 string |
The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object | IdentifiedObject |
energyIdentCodeEic | eu:IdentifiedObject.energyIdentCodeEic | 0..1 string |
The attribute is used for an exchange of the EIC code (Energy identification ... | IdentifiedObject |
mRID | cim:IdentifiedObject.mRID | 1 string |
Master resource identifier issued by a model authority | IdentifiedObject |
name | | 1 string |
The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the o... | IdentifiedObject |
shortName | eu:IdentifiedObject.shortName | 0..1 string |
The attribute is used for an exchange of a human readable short name with len... | IdentifiedObject |
used by | used in | type | used |
PowerTransformerEnd | PhaseTapChanger | range | PhaseTapChanger |
TransformerEnd | PhaseTapChanger | range | PhaseTapChanger |
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | cim:PhaseTapChanger |
native | this:PhaseTapChanger |