A pre-established pattern over time for a tap step.
URI: cim:TapSchedule
Type: Class
class TapSchedule
click TapSchedule href "../TapSchedule"
SeasonDayTypeSchedule <|-- TapSchedule
click SeasonDayTypeSchedule href "../SeasonDayTypeSchedule"
TapSchedule : SeasonDayTypeSchedule.DayType
TapSchedule --> DayType : SeasonDayTypeSchedule.DayType
click DayType href "../DayType"
TapSchedule : IdentifiedObject.description
TapSchedule : RegularIntervalSchedule.endTime
TapSchedule : IdentifiedObject.energyIdentCodeEic
TapSchedule : IdentifiedObject.mRID
TapSchedule : IdentifiedObject.name
TapSchedule : SeasonDayTypeSchedule.Season
TapSchedule --> Season : SeasonDayTypeSchedule.Season
click Season href "../Season"
TapSchedule : IdentifiedObject.shortName
TapSchedule : BasicIntervalSchedule.startTime
TapSchedule : TapSchedule.TapChanger
TapSchedule --> TapChanger : TapSchedule.TapChanger
click TapChanger href "../TapChanger"
TapSchedule : RegularIntervalSchedule.TimePoints
TapSchedule --> RegularTimePoint : RegularIntervalSchedule.TimePoints
click RegularTimePoint href "../RegularTimePoint"
TapSchedule : RegularIntervalSchedule.timeStep
TapSchedule --> Seconds : RegularIntervalSchedule.timeStep
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
TapSchedule : BasicIntervalSchedule.value1Unit
TapSchedule --> UnitSymbol : BasicIntervalSchedule.value1Unit
click UnitSymbol href "../UnitSymbol"
TapSchedule : BasicIntervalSchedule.value2Unit
TapSchedule --> UnitSymbol : BasicIntervalSchedule.value2Unit
click UnitSymbol href "../UnitSymbol"
Name | URI | Cardinality and Range | Description | Inheritance |
TapChanger | cim:TapSchedule.TapChanger | 1 TapChanger |
A TapSchedule is associated with a TapChanger | direct |
DayType | cim:SeasonDayTypeSchedule.DayType | 1 DayType |
DayType for the Schedule | SeasonDayTypeSchedule |
Season | cim:SeasonDayTypeSchedule.Season | 1 Season |
Season for the Schedule | SeasonDayTypeSchedule |
TimePoints | cim:RegularIntervalSchedule.TimePoints | 1..* RegularTimePoint |
The regular interval time point data values that define this schedule | RegularIntervalSchedule |
timeStep | cim:RegularIntervalSchedule.timeStep | 1 Seconds |
The time between each pair of subsequent regular time points in sequence orde... | RegularIntervalSchedule |
endTime | cim:RegularIntervalSchedule.endTime | 1 date |
The time for the last time point | RegularIntervalSchedule |
startTime | cim:BasicIntervalSchedule.startTime | 1 date |
The time for the first time point | BasicIntervalSchedule |
value1Unit | cim:BasicIntervalSchedule.value1Unit | 1 UnitSymbol |
Value1 units of measure | BasicIntervalSchedule |
value2Unit | cim:BasicIntervalSchedule.value2Unit | 0..1 UnitSymbol |
Value2 units of measure | BasicIntervalSchedule |
description | cim:IdentifiedObject.description | 0..1 string |
The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object | IdentifiedObject |
energyIdentCodeEic | eu:IdentifiedObject.energyIdentCodeEic | 0..1 string |
The attribute is used for an exchange of the EIC code (Energy identification ... | IdentifiedObject |
mRID | cim:IdentifiedObject.mRID | 1 string |
Master resource identifier issued by a model authority | IdentifiedObject |
name | cim:IdentifiedObject.name | 1 string |
The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the o... | IdentifiedObject |
shortName | eu:IdentifiedObject.shortName | 0..1 string |
The attribute is used for an exchange of a human readable short name with len... | IdentifiedObject |
used by | used in | type | used |
PhaseTapChanger | TapSchedules | range | TapSchedule |
PhaseTapChangerAsymmetrical | TapSchedules | range | TapSchedule |
PhaseTapChangerLinear | TapSchedules | range | TapSchedule |
PhaseTapChangerNonLinear | TapSchedules | range | TapSchedule |
PhaseTapChangerSymmetrical | TapSchedules | range | TapSchedule |
PhaseTapChangerTabular | TapSchedules | range | TapSchedule |
RatioTapChanger | TapSchedules | range | TapSchedule |
TapChanger | TapSchedules | range | TapSchedule |
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema: http://iec.ch/TC57/ns/CIM/CoreEquipment-EU#Package_CoreEquipmentProfile
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | cim:TapSchedule |
native | this:TapSchedule |