IEEE type DEC1A discontinuous excitation control model that boosts generator excitation to a level higher than that demanded by the voltage regulator and stabilizer immediately following a system fault.
Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 12.2.
URI: cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A
Type: Class
class DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A
click DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A href "../DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A"
DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics <|-- DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A
click DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics href "../DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : IdentifiedObject.description
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DynamicsFunctionBlock.enabled
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.esc
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> PU : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.esc
click PU href "../PU"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics.ExcitationSystemDynamics
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> ExcitationSystemDynamics : DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics.ExcitationSystemDynamics
click ExcitationSystemDynamics href "../ExcitationSystemDynamics"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.kan
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> PU : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.kan
click PU href "../PU"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.ketl
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> PU : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.ketl
click PU href "../PU"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : IdentifiedObject.mRID
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : IdentifiedObject.name
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics.RemoteInputSignal
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> RemoteInputSignal : DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics.RemoteInputSignal
click RemoteInputSignal href "../RemoteInputSignal"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.tan
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> Seconds : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.tan
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.td
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> Seconds : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.td
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.tl1
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> Seconds : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.tl1
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.tl2
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> Seconds : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.tl2
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.tw5
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> Seconds : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.tw5
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.val
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> PU : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.val
click PU href "../PU"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vanmax
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> PU : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vanmax
click PU href "../PU"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vomax
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> PU : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vomax
click PU href "../PU"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vomin
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> PU : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vomin
click PU href "../PU"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vsmax
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> PU : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vsmax
click PU href "../PU"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vsmin
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> PU : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vsmin
click PU href "../PU"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vtc
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> PU : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vtc
click PU href "../PU"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vtlmt
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> PU : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vtlmt
click PU href "../PU"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vtm
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> PU : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vtm
click PU href "../PU"
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vtn
DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A --> PU : DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vtn
click PU href "../PU"
- IdentifiedObject
- DynamicsFunctionBlock
- DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics
- DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A
- DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics
- DynamicsFunctionBlock
Name | URI | Cardinality and Range | Description | Inheritance |
vtlmt | cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vtlmt | 1 PU |
Voltage reference (VTLMT) | direct |
vomax | cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vomax | 1 PU |
Limiter (VOMAX) (> DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A | direct |
vomin | cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vomin | 1 PU |
Limiter (VOMIN) (< DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A | direct |
ketl | cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.ketl | 1 PU |
Terminal voltage limiter gain (KETL) | direct |
vtc | cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vtc | 1 PU |
Terminal voltage level reference (VTC) | direct |
val | cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.val | 1 PU |
Regulator voltage reference (VAL) | direct |
esc | cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.esc | 1 PU |
Speed change reference (ESC) | direct |
kan | cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.kan | 1 PU |
Discontinuous controller gain (KAN) | direct |
tan | cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.tan | 1 Seconds |
Discontinuous controller time constant (TAN) (>= ... | direct |
tw5 | cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.tw5 | 1 Seconds |
DEC washout time constant (TW5) (>= 0) | direct |
vsmax | cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vsmax | 1 PU |
Limiter (VSMAX)(> DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A | direct |
vsmin | cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vsmin | 1 PU |
Limiter (VSMIN) (< DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A | direct |
td | cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.td | 1 Seconds |
Time constant (TD) (>= 0) | direct |
tl1 | cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.tl1 | 1 Seconds |
Time constant (TL1) (>= 0) | direct |
tl2 | cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.tl2 | 1 Seconds |
Time constant (TL2) (>= 0) | direct |
vtm | cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vtm | 1 PU |
Voltage limits (VTM) | direct |
vtn | cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vtn | 1 PU |
Voltage limits (VTN) | direct |
vanmax | cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vanmax | 1 PU |
Limiter for Van (VANMAX) | direct |
RemoteInputSignal | cim:DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics.RemoteInputSignal | 0..1 RemoteInputSignal |
Remote input signal used by this discontinuous excitation control system mode... | DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics |
ExcitationSystemDynamics | cim:DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics.ExcitationSystemDynamics | 1 ExcitationSystemDynamics |
Excitation system model with which this discontinuous excitation control mode... | DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics |
enabled | cim:DynamicsFunctionBlock.enabled | 1 boolean |
Function block used indicator | DynamicsFunctionBlock |
description | cim:IdentifiedObject.description | 0..1 string |
The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object | IdentifiedObject |
mRID | cim:IdentifiedObject.mRID | 1 string |
Master resource identifier issued by a model authority | IdentifiedObject |
name | cim:IdentifiedObject.name | 0..1 string |
The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the o... | IdentifiedObject |
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema: http://iec.ch/TC57/ns/CIM/Dynamics-EU#Package_DynamicsProfile
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | cim:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A |
native | this:DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A |