Generic turbogas.
URI: cim:GovGAST4
Type: Class
class GovGAST4
click GovGAST4 href "../GovGAST4"
TurbineGovernorDynamics <|-- GovGAST4
click TurbineGovernorDynamics href "../TurbineGovernorDynamics"
GovGAST4 : TurbineGovernorDynamics.AsynchronousMachineDynamics
GovGAST4 --> AsynchronousMachineDynamics : TurbineGovernorDynamics.AsynchronousMachineDynamics
click AsynchronousMachineDynamics href "../AsynchronousMachineDynamics"
GovGAST4 : GovGAST4.bp
GovGAST4 --> PU : GovGAST4.bp
click PU href "../PU"
GovGAST4 : IdentifiedObject.description
GovGAST4 : DynamicsFunctionBlock.enabled
GovGAST4 : GovGAST4.ktm
GovGAST4 --> PU : GovGAST4.ktm
click PU href "../PU"
GovGAST4 : GovGAST4.mnef
GovGAST4 --> PU : GovGAST4.mnef
click PU href "../PU"
GovGAST4 : IdentifiedObject.mRID
GovGAST4 : GovGAST4.mxef
GovGAST4 --> PU : GovGAST4.mxef
click PU href "../PU"
GovGAST4 :
GovGAST4 : GovGAST4.rymn
GovGAST4 --> PU : GovGAST4.rymn
click PU href "../PU"
GovGAST4 : GovGAST4.rymx
GovGAST4 --> PU : GovGAST4.rymx
click PU href "../PU"
GovGAST4 : TurbineGovernorDynamics.SynchronousMachineDynamics
GovGAST4 --> SynchronousMachineDynamics : TurbineGovernorDynamics.SynchronousMachineDynamics
click SynchronousMachineDynamics href "../SynchronousMachineDynamics"
GovGAST4 : GovGAST4.ta
GovGAST4 --> Seconds : GovGAST4.ta
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
GovGAST4 :
GovGAST4 --> Seconds :
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
GovGAST4 : GovGAST4.tcm
GovGAST4 --> Seconds : GovGAST4.tcm
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
GovGAST4 :
GovGAST4 --> Seconds :
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
GovGAST4 : TurbineGovernorDynamics.TurbineLoadControllerDynamics
GovGAST4 --> TurbineLoadControllerDynamics : TurbineGovernorDynamics.TurbineLoadControllerDynamics
click TurbineLoadControllerDynamics href "../TurbineLoadControllerDynamics"
GovGAST4 : GovGAST4.ty
GovGAST4 --> Seconds : GovGAST4.ty
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
Name | URI | Cardinality and Range | Description | Inheritance |
bp | cim:GovGAST4.bp | 1 PU |
Droop (bp) | direct |
ty | cim:GovGAST4.ty | 1 Seconds |
Time constant of fuel valve positioner (Ty) (>= 0) | direct |
ta | cim:GovGAST4.ta | 1 Seconds |
Maximum gate opening velocity (TA) (>= 0) | direct |
tc | | 1 Seconds |
Maximum gate closing velocity (TC) (>= 0) | direct |
tcm | cim:GovGAST4.tcm | 1 Seconds |
Fuel control time constant (Tcm) (>= 0) | direct |
ktm | cim:GovGAST4.ktm | 1 PU |
Compressor gain (Ktm) | direct |
tm | | 1 Seconds |
Compressor discharge volume time constant (Tm) (>= 0) | direct |
rymx | cim:GovGAST4.rymx | 1 PU |
Maximum valve opening (RYMX) | direct |
rymn | cim:GovGAST4.rymn | 1 PU |
Minimum valve opening (RYMN) | direct |
mxef | cim:GovGAST4.mxef | 1 PU |
Fuel flow maximum positive error value (MXef) | direct |
mnef | cim:GovGAST4.mnef | 1 PU |
Fuel flow maximum negative error value (MNef) | direct |
SynchronousMachineDynamics | cim:TurbineGovernorDynamics.SynchronousMachineDynamics | 0..1 SynchronousMachineDynamics |
Synchronous machine model with which this turbine-governor model is associate... | TurbineGovernorDynamics |
AsynchronousMachineDynamics | cim:TurbineGovernorDynamics.AsynchronousMachineDynamics | 0..1 AsynchronousMachineDynamics |
Asynchronous machine model with which this turbine-governor model is associat... | TurbineGovernorDynamics |
TurbineLoadControllerDynamics | cim:TurbineGovernorDynamics.TurbineLoadControllerDynamics | 0..1 TurbineLoadControllerDynamics |
Turbine load controller providing input to this turbine-governor | TurbineGovernorDynamics |
enabled | cim:DynamicsFunctionBlock.enabled | 1 boolean |
Function block used indicator | DynamicsFunctionBlock |
description | cim:IdentifiedObject.description | 0..1 string |
The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object | IdentifiedObject |
mRID | cim:IdentifiedObject.mRID | 1 string |
Master resource identifier issued by a model authority | IdentifiedObject |
name | | 0..1 string |
The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the o... | IdentifiedObject |
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | cim:GovGAST4 |
native | this:GovGAST4 |