Cross compound turbine governor. Unlike tandem compound units, cross compound units are not on the same shaft.
URI: cim:GovSteamCC
Type: Class
class GovSteamCC
click GovSteamCC href "../GovSteamCC"
CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics <|-- GovSteamCC
click CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics href "../CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics"
GovSteamCC : IdentifiedObject.description
GovSteamCC : GovSteamCC.dhp
GovSteamCC --> PU : GovSteamCC.dhp
click PU href "../PU"
GovSteamCC : GovSteamCC.dlp
GovSteamCC --> PU : GovSteamCC.dlp
click PU href "../PU"
GovSteamCC : DynamicsFunctionBlock.enabled
GovSteamCC : GovSteamCC.fhp
GovSteamCC --> PU : GovSteamCC.fhp
click PU href "../PU"
GovSteamCC : GovSteamCC.flp
GovSteamCC --> PU : GovSteamCC.flp
click PU href "../PU"
GovSteamCC : CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics.HighPressureSynchronousMachineDynamics
GovSteamCC --> SynchronousMachineDynamics : CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics.HighPressureSynchronousMachineDynamics
click SynchronousMachineDynamics href "../SynchronousMachineDynamics"
GovSteamCC : CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics.LowPressureSynchronousMachineDynamics
GovSteamCC --> SynchronousMachineDynamics : CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics.LowPressureSynchronousMachineDynamics
click SynchronousMachineDynamics href "../SynchronousMachineDynamics"
GovSteamCC : IdentifiedObject.mRID
GovSteamCC : GovSteamCC.mwbase
GovSteamCC --> ActivePower : GovSteamCC.mwbase
click ActivePower href "../ActivePower"
GovSteamCC :
GovSteamCC : GovSteamCC.pmaxhp
GovSteamCC --> PU : GovSteamCC.pmaxhp
click PU href "../PU"
GovSteamCC : GovSteamCC.pmaxlp
GovSteamCC --> PU : GovSteamCC.pmaxlp
click PU href "../PU"
GovSteamCC : GovSteamCC.rhp
GovSteamCC --> PU : GovSteamCC.rhp
click PU href "../PU"
GovSteamCC : GovSteamCC.rlp
GovSteamCC --> PU : GovSteamCC.rlp
click PU href "../PU"
GovSteamCC : GovSteamCC.t1hp
GovSteamCC --> Seconds : GovSteamCC.t1hp
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
GovSteamCC : GovSteamCC.t1lp
GovSteamCC --> Seconds : GovSteamCC.t1lp
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
GovSteamCC : GovSteamCC.t3hp
GovSteamCC --> Seconds : GovSteamCC.t3hp
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
GovSteamCC : GovSteamCC.t3lp
GovSteamCC --> Seconds : GovSteamCC.t3lp
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
GovSteamCC : GovSteamCC.t4hp
GovSteamCC --> Seconds : GovSteamCC.t4hp
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
GovSteamCC : GovSteamCC.t4lp
GovSteamCC --> Seconds : GovSteamCC.t4lp
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
GovSteamCC : GovSteamCC.t5hp
GovSteamCC --> Seconds : GovSteamCC.t5hp
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
GovSteamCC : GovSteamCC.t5lp
GovSteamCC --> Seconds : GovSteamCC.t5lp
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
Name | URI | Cardinality and Range | Description | Inheritance |
mwbase | cim:GovSteamCC.mwbase | 1 ActivePower |
Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0) | direct |
pmaxhp | cim:GovSteamCC.pmaxhp | 1 PU |
Maximum HP value position (Pmaxhp) | direct |
rhp | cim:GovSteamCC.rhp | 1 PU |
HP governor droop (Rhp) (> 0) | direct |
t1hp | cim:GovSteamCC.t1hp | 1 Seconds |
HP governor time constant (T1hp) (>= 0) | direct |
t3hp | cim:GovSteamCC.t3hp | 1 Seconds |
HP turbine time constant (T3hp) (>= 0) | direct |
t4hp | cim:GovSteamCC.t4hp | 1 Seconds |
HP turbine time constant (T4hp) (>= 0) | direct |
t5hp | cim:GovSteamCC.t5hp | 1 Seconds |
HP reheater time constant (T5hp) (>= 0) | direct |
fhp | cim:GovSteamCC.fhp | 1 PU |
Fraction of HP power ahead of reheater (Fhp) | direct |
dhp | cim:GovSteamCC.dhp | 1 PU |
HP damping factor (Dhp) | direct |
pmaxlp | cim:GovSteamCC.pmaxlp | 1 PU |
Maximum LP value position (Pmaxlp) | direct |
rlp | cim:GovSteamCC.rlp | 1 PU |
LP governor droop (Rlp) (> 0) | direct |
t1lp | cim:GovSteamCC.t1lp | 1 Seconds |
LP governor time constant (T1lp) (>= 0) | direct |
t3lp | cim:GovSteamCC.t3lp | 1 Seconds |
LP turbine time constant (T3lp) (>= 0) | direct |
t4lp | cim:GovSteamCC.t4lp | 1 Seconds |
LP turbine time constant (T4lp) (>= 0) | direct |
t5lp | cim:GovSteamCC.t5lp | 1 Seconds |
LP reheater time constant (T5lp) (>= 0) | direct |
flp | cim:GovSteamCC.flp | 1 PU |
Fraction of LP power ahead of reheater (Flp) | direct |
dlp | cim:GovSteamCC.dlp | 1 PU |
LP damping factor (Dlp) | direct |
HighPressureSynchronousMachineDynamics | cim:CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics.HighPressureSynchronousMachineDynamics | 1 SynchronousMachineDynamics |
High-pressure synchronous machine with which this cross-compound turbine gove... | CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics |
LowPressureSynchronousMachineDynamics | cim:CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics.LowPressureSynchronousMachineDynamics | 1 SynchronousMachineDynamics |
Low-pressure synchronous machine with which this cross-compound turbine gover... | CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics |
enabled | cim:DynamicsFunctionBlock.enabled | 1 boolean |
Function block used indicator | DynamicsFunctionBlock |
description | cim:IdentifiedObject.description | 0..1 string |
The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object | IdentifiedObject |
mRID | cim:IdentifiedObject.mRID | 1 string |
Master resource identifier issued by a model authority | IdentifiedObject |
name | | 0..1 string |
The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the o... | IdentifiedObject |
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | cim:GovSteamCC |
native | this:GovSteamCC |