The over excitation limiter model is intended to represent the significant features of OELs necessary for some large-scale system studies. It is the result of a pragmatic approach to obtain a model that can be widely applied with attainable data from generator owners. An attempt to include all variations in the functionality of OELs and duplicate how they interact with the rest of the excitation systems would likely result in a level of application insufficient for the studies for which they are intended.
Reference: IEEE OEL 421.5-2005, 9.
URI: cim:OverexcLimIEEE
Type: Class
class OverexcLimIEEE
click OverexcLimIEEE href "../OverexcLimIEEE"
OverexcitationLimiterDynamics <|-- OverexcLimIEEE
click OverexcitationLimiterDynamics href "../OverexcitationLimiterDynamics"
OverexcLimIEEE : IdentifiedObject.description
OverexcLimIEEE : DynamicsFunctionBlock.enabled
OverexcLimIEEE : OverexcitationLimiterDynamics.ExcitationSystemDynamics
OverexcLimIEEE --> ExcitationSystemDynamics : OverexcitationLimiterDynamics.ExcitationSystemDynamics
click ExcitationSystemDynamics href "../ExcitationSystemDynamics"
OverexcLimIEEE : OverexcLimIEEE.hyst
OverexcLimIEEE --> PU : OverexcLimIEEE.hyst
click PU href "../PU"
OverexcLimIEEE : OverexcLimIEEE.ifdlim
OverexcLimIEEE --> PU : OverexcLimIEEE.ifdlim
click PU href "../PU"
OverexcLimIEEE : OverexcLimIEEE.ifdmax
OverexcLimIEEE --> PU : OverexcLimIEEE.ifdmax
click PU href "../PU"
OverexcLimIEEE : OverexcLimIEEE.itfpu
OverexcLimIEEE --> PU : OverexcLimIEEE.itfpu
click PU href "../PU"
OverexcLimIEEE : OverexcLimIEEE.kcd
OverexcLimIEEE --> PU : OverexcLimIEEE.kcd
click PU href "../PU"
OverexcLimIEEE : OverexcLimIEEE.kramp
OverexcLimIEEE : IdentifiedObject.mRID
OverexcLimIEEE : IdentifiedObject.name
- IdentifiedObject
- DynamicsFunctionBlock
- OverexcitationLimiterDynamics
- OverexcLimIEEE
- OverexcitationLimiterDynamics
- DynamicsFunctionBlock
Name | URI | Cardinality and Range | Description | Inheritance |
itfpu | cim:OverexcLimIEEE.itfpu | 1 PU |
OEL timed field current limiter pickup level (ITFPU) | direct |
ifdmax | cim:OverexcLimIEEE.ifdmax | 1 PU |
OEL instantaneous field current limit (IFDMAX) | direct |
ifdlim | cim:OverexcLimIEEE.ifdlim | 1 PU |
OEL timed field current limit (IFDLIM) | direct |
hyst | cim:OverexcLimIEEE.hyst | 1 PU |
OEL pickup/drop-out hysteresis (HYST) | direct |
kcd | cim:OverexcLimIEEE.kcd | 1 PU |
OEL cooldown gain (KCD) | direct |
kramp | cim:OverexcLimIEEE.kramp | 1 float |
OEL ramped limit rate (KRAMP) | direct |
ExcitationSystemDynamics | cim:OverexcitationLimiterDynamics.ExcitationSystemDynamics | 1 ExcitationSystemDynamics |
Excitation system model with which this overexcitation limiter model is assoc... | OverexcitationLimiterDynamics |
enabled | cim:DynamicsFunctionBlock.enabled | 1 boolean |
Function block used indicator | DynamicsFunctionBlock |
description | cim:IdentifiedObject.description | 0..1 string |
The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object | IdentifiedObject |
mRID | cim:IdentifiedObject.mRID | 1 string |
Master resource identifier issued by a model authority | IdentifiedObject |
name | cim:IdentifiedObject.name | 0..1 string |
The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the o... | IdentifiedObject |
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema: http://iec.ch/TC57/ns/CIM/Dynamics-EU#Package_DynamicsProfile
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | cim:OverexcLimIEEE |
native | this:OverexcLimIEEE |