Field voltage or current overexcitation limiter designed to protect the generator field of an AC machine with automatic excitation control from overheating due to prolonged overexcitation.
URI: cim:OverexcLimX2
Type: Class
class OverexcLimX2
click OverexcLimX2 href "../OverexcLimX2"
OverexcitationLimiterDynamics <|-- OverexcLimX2
click OverexcitationLimiterDynamics href "../OverexcitationLimiterDynamics"
OverexcLimX2 : IdentifiedObject.description
OverexcLimX2 : OverexcLimX2.efd1
OverexcLimX2 --> PU : OverexcLimX2.efd1
click PU href "../PU"
OverexcLimX2 : OverexcLimX2.efd2
OverexcLimX2 --> PU : OverexcLimX2.efd2
click PU href "../PU"
OverexcLimX2 : OverexcLimX2.efd3
OverexcLimX2 --> PU : OverexcLimX2.efd3
click PU href "../PU"
OverexcLimX2 : OverexcLimX2.efddes
OverexcLimX2 --> PU : OverexcLimX2.efddes
click PU href "../PU"
OverexcLimX2 : OverexcLimX2.efdrated
OverexcLimX2 --> PU : OverexcLimX2.efdrated
click PU href "../PU"
OverexcLimX2 : DynamicsFunctionBlock.enabled
OverexcLimX2 : OverexcitationLimiterDynamics.ExcitationSystemDynamics
OverexcLimX2 --> ExcitationSystemDynamics : OverexcitationLimiterDynamics.ExcitationSystemDynamics
click ExcitationSystemDynamics href "../ExcitationSystemDynamics"
OverexcLimX2 : OverexcLimX2.kmx
OverexcLimX2 --> PU : OverexcLimX2.kmx
click PU href "../PU"
OverexcLimX2 : OverexcLimX2.m
OverexcLimX2 : IdentifiedObject.mRID
OverexcLimX2 : IdentifiedObject.name
OverexcLimX2 : OverexcLimX2.t1
OverexcLimX2 --> Seconds : OverexcLimX2.t1
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
OverexcLimX2 : OverexcLimX2.t2
OverexcLimX2 --> Seconds : OverexcLimX2.t2
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
OverexcLimX2 : OverexcLimX2.t3
OverexcLimX2 --> Seconds : OverexcLimX2.t3
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
OverexcLimX2 : OverexcLimX2.vlow
OverexcLimX2 --> PU : OverexcLimX2.vlow
click PU href "../PU"
Name | URI | Cardinality and Range | Description | Inheritance |
m | cim:OverexcLimX2.m | 1 boolean |
(m) | direct |
efdrated | cim:OverexcLimX2.efdrated | 1 PU |
Rated field voltage if m = false or rated field current if m = true (EFD</... | direct |
efd1 | cim:OverexcLimX2.efd1 | 1 PU |
Low voltage or current point on the inverse time characteristic (EFD<i... | direct |
t1 | cim:OverexcLimX2.t1 | 1 Seconds |
Time to trip the exciter at the low voltage or current point on the inverse t... | direct |
efd2 | cim:OverexcLimX2.efd2 | 1 PU |
Mid voltage or current point on the inverse time characteristic (EFD<i... | direct |
t2 | cim:OverexcLimX2.t2 | 1 Seconds |
Time to trip the exciter at the mid voltage or current point on the inverse t... | direct |
efd3 | cim:OverexcLimX2.efd3 | 1 PU |
High voltage or current point on the inverse time characteristic (EFD<... | direct |
t3 | cim:OverexcLimX2.t3 | 1 Seconds |
Time to trip the exciter at the high voltage or current point on the inverse ... | direct |
efddes | cim:OverexcLimX2.efddes | 1 PU |
Desired field voltage if m = false or desired field current if m </... | direct |
kmx | cim:OverexcLimX2.kmx | 1 PU |
Gain (KMX) | direct |
vlow | cim:OverexcLimX2.vlow | 1 PU |
Low voltage limit (VLOW) (> 0) | direct |
ExcitationSystemDynamics | cim:OverexcitationLimiterDynamics.ExcitationSystemDynamics | 1 ExcitationSystemDynamics |
Excitation system model with which this overexcitation limiter model is assoc... | OverexcitationLimiterDynamics |
enabled | cim:DynamicsFunctionBlock.enabled | 1 boolean |
Function block used indicator | DynamicsFunctionBlock |
description | cim:IdentifiedObject.description | 0..1 string |
The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object | IdentifiedObject |
mRID | cim:IdentifiedObject.mRID | 1 string |
Master resource identifier issued by a model authority | IdentifiedObject |
name | cim:IdentifiedObject.name | 0..1 string |
The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the o... | IdentifiedObject |
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema: http://iec.ch/TC57/ns/CIM/Dynamics-EU#Package_DynamicsProfile
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | cim:OverexcLimX2 |
native | this:OverexcLimX2 |