PTI microprocessor-based stabilizer type 3.
URI: cim:PssPTIST3
Type: Class
class PssPTIST3
click PssPTIST3 href "../PssPTIST3"
PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics <|-- PssPTIST3
click PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics href "../PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.a0
PssPTIST3 --> PU : PssPTIST3.a0
click PU href "../PU"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.a1
PssPTIST3 --> PU : PssPTIST3.a1
click PU href "../PU"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.a2
PssPTIST3 --> PU : PssPTIST3.a2
click PU href "../PU"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.a3
PssPTIST3 --> PU : PssPTIST3.a3
click PU href "../PU"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.a4
PssPTIST3 --> PU : PssPTIST3.a4
click PU href "../PU"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.a5
PssPTIST3 --> PU : PssPTIST3.a5
click PU href "../PU"
PssPTIST3 --> PU :
click PU href "../PU"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.athres
PssPTIST3 --> PU : PssPTIST3.athres
click PU href "../PU"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.b0
PssPTIST3 --> PU : PssPTIST3.b0
click PU href "../PU"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.b1
PssPTIST3 --> PU : PssPTIST3.b1
click PU href "../PU"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.b2
PssPTIST3 --> PU : PssPTIST3.b2
click PU href "../PU"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.b3
PssPTIST3 --> PU : PssPTIST3.b3
click PU href "../PU"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.b4
PssPTIST3 --> PU : PssPTIST3.b4
click PU href "../PU"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.b5
PssPTIST3 --> PU : PssPTIST3.b5
click PU href "../PU"
PssPTIST3 : IdentifiedObject.description
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.dl
PssPTIST3 --> PU : PssPTIST3.dl
click PU href "../PU"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.dtc
PssPTIST3 --> Seconds : PssPTIST3.dtc
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.dtf
PssPTIST3 --> Seconds : PssPTIST3.dtf
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.dtp
PssPTIST3 --> Seconds : PssPTIST3.dtp
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
PssPTIST3 : DynamicsFunctionBlock.enabled
PssPTIST3 : PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics.ExcitationSystemDynamics
PssPTIST3 --> ExcitationSystemDynamics : PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics.ExcitationSystemDynamics
click ExcitationSystemDynamics href "../ExcitationSystemDynamics"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.isw
PssPTIST3 --> PU : PssPTIST3.k
click PU href "../PU"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.lthres
PssPTIST3 --> PU : PssPTIST3.lthres
click PU href "../PU"
PssPTIST3 --> PU : PssPTIST3.m
click PU href "../PU"
PssPTIST3 : IdentifiedObject.mRID
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.nav
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.ncl
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.ncr
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.pmin
PssPTIST3 --> PU : PssPTIST3.pmin
click PU href "../PU"
PssPTIST3 : PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics.RemoteInputSignal
PssPTIST3 --> RemoteInputSignal : PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics.RemoteInputSignal
click RemoteInputSignal href "../RemoteInputSignal"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.t1
PssPTIST3 --> Seconds : PssPTIST3.t1
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.t2
PssPTIST3 --> Seconds : PssPTIST3.t2
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.t3
PssPTIST3 --> Seconds : PssPTIST3.t3
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.t4
PssPTIST3 --> Seconds : PssPTIST3.t4
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.t5
PssPTIST3 --> Seconds : PssPTIST3.t5
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
PssPTIST3 : PssPTIST3.t6
PssPTIST3 --> Seconds : PssPTIST3.t6
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
PssPTIST3 --> Seconds :
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
PssPTIST3 --> Seconds :
click Seconds href "../Seconds"
Name | URI | Cardinality and Range | Description | Inheritance |
m | cim:PssPTIST3.m | 1 PU |
(M) | direct |
tf | | 1 Seconds |
Time constant (Tf) (>= 0) | direct |
tp | | 1 Seconds |
Time constant (Tp) (>= 0) | direct |
t1 | cim:PssPTIST3.t1 | 1 Seconds |
Time constant (T1) (>= 0) | direct |
t2 | cim:PssPTIST3.t2 | 1 Seconds |
Time constant (T2) (>= 0) | direct |
t3 | cim:PssPTIST3.t3 | 1 Seconds |
Time constant (T3) (>= 0) | direct |
t4 | cim:PssPTIST3.t4 | 1 Seconds |
Time constant (T4) (>= 0) | direct |
k | cim:PssPTIST3.k | 1 PU |
Gain (K) | direct |
dtf | cim:PssPTIST3.dtf | 1 Seconds |
Time step frequency calculation (deltatf) (>= 0) | direct |
dtc | cim:PssPTIST3.dtc | 1 Seconds |
Time step related to activation of controls (deltatc) (>= 0) | direct |
dtp | cim:PssPTIST3.dtp | 1 Seconds |
Time step active power calculation (deltatp) (>= 0) | direct |
t5 | cim:PssPTIST3.t5 | 1 Seconds |
Time constant (T5) (>= 0) | direct |
t6 | cim:PssPTIST3.t6 | 1 Seconds |
Time constant (T6) (>= 0) | direct |
a0 | cim:PssPTIST3.a0 | 1 PU |
Filter coefficient (A0) | direct |
a1 | cim:PssPTIST3.a1 | 1 PU |
Limiter (Al) | direct |
a2 | cim:PssPTIST3.a2 | 1 PU |
Filter coefficient (A2) | direct |
b0 | cim:PssPTIST3.b0 | 1 PU |
Filter coefficient (B0) | direct |
b1 | cim:PssPTIST3.b1 | 1 PU |
Filter coefficient (B1) | direct |
b2 | cim:PssPTIST3.b2 | 1 PU |
Filter coefficient (B2) | direct |
a3 | cim:PssPTIST3.a3 | 1 PU |
Filter coefficient (A3) | direct |
a4 | cim:PssPTIST3.a4 | 1 PU |
Filter coefficient (A4) | direct |
a5 | cim:PssPTIST3.a5 | 1 PU |
Filter coefficient (A5) | direct |
b3 | cim:PssPTIST3.b3 | 1 PU |
Filter coefficient (B3) | direct |
b4 | cim:PssPTIST3.b4 | 1 PU |
Filter coefficient (B4) | direct |
b5 | cim:PssPTIST3.b5 | 1 PU |
Filter coefficient (B5) | direct |
athres | cim:PssPTIST3.athres | 1 PU |
Threshold value above which output averaging will be bypassed (Athres) | direct |
dl | cim:PssPTIST3.dl | 1 PU |
Limiter (Dl) | direct |
al | | 1 PU |
Limiter (Al) | direct |
lthres | cim:PssPTIST3.lthres | 1 PU |
Threshold value (Lthres) | direct |
pmin | cim:PssPTIST3.pmin | 1 PU |
(Pmin) | direct |
isw | cim:PssPTIST3.isw | 1 boolean |
Digital/analogue output switch (Isw) | direct |
nav | cim:PssPTIST3.nav | 1 float |
Number of control outputs to average (NAV) (1 <= NAV <= ... | direct |
ncl | cim:PssPTIST3.ncl | 1 float |
Number of counts at limit to active limit function (NCL) (> 0) | direct |
ncr | cim:PssPTIST3.ncr | 1 float |
Number of counts until reset after limit function is triggered (NCR) | direct |
RemoteInputSignal | cim:PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics.RemoteInputSignal | * RemoteInputSignal |
Remote input signal used by this power system stabilizer model | PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics |
ExcitationSystemDynamics | cim:PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics.ExcitationSystemDynamics | 1 ExcitationSystemDynamics |
Excitation system model with which this power system stabilizer model is asso... | PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics |
enabled | cim:DynamicsFunctionBlock.enabled | 1 boolean |
Function block used indicator | DynamicsFunctionBlock |
description | cim:IdentifiedObject.description | 0..1 string |
The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object | IdentifiedObject |
mRID | cim:IdentifiedObject.mRID | 1 string |
Master resource identifier issued by a model authority | IdentifiedObject |
name | | 0..1 string |
The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the o... | IdentifiedObject |
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | cim:PssPTIST3 |
native | this:PssPTIST3 |