Information Modeling of Data Products


  1. A formal representation of the domain, agnostic regarding systems and technology.

  2. A Linked Data representation must be present, but it’s not necessarily the primary representation (and could be generated).

  3. Human-friendly visual representation to provide a means of reference, for example in information requirements analysis or discussion.

  4. Explicit, machine-readable references of definitions from other models.

  5. Definitions must be globally identifiable through the assignment of URIs so they can be referenced unconditionally and simply.

  6. Maintenance of the models and documentation should be done in a VCS.

  7. Automation of tasks such as model linting and validation, and generation of technical schemas and documentation must be possible.

Out of scope

  • Nice to have: Reasoning capabilities for knowledge inference and knowledge graphs.

Exploring our options

  • One model: a single LinkML schema for both the logical and the conceptual model.

  • Two models: LinkML for

Visual or code Logical or conceptual


ERD in


Roughly, all options fall into two categories:

  • representing the logical model in LinkML and having a separate conceptual model

  • using a single LinkML schema to represent both the conceptual and the logical model

A single LinkML schema for both the conceptual and logical

  • Serves as conceptual model

  • Serves as logical model

Separate conceptual and logical model

  • Logical model makes references to

ERD in

  • Master representation of conceptual model is the ERD drawing in itself

    • Adhering to the formal nature of ERD makes the embedded model machine-readable and extractable

  • From this model a code-based Linked Data representation is generated (LinkML or OWL)

  • The logical model


  • Complete freedom in visualization for optimal communicative efficiency

    • This can be semi-automated and validated

  • Formal, machine-readable representation of the model

    • A LinkML or OWL model can be generated from it


  • Very hard to express all necessary information visually

    • URIs of referenced definitions from other models

    • Labels, optionally in other languages

    • Alignment (SKOS mappings) with thesauri

  • If it’s a separate LinkML schema from the logical model, there will be a lot of redundancy and work to name things and keep them related

  • All changes to the model need to be done in, which severely limits tooling support
